Using SEO to get found through Google automatically positions you as an authority and expert, without having to lean solely on social media and ads. Learn how I've used blogging and SEO strategy to reach page 1 of Google, grow my traffic, and make more sales (and how I've supported dozens of small business owners to do the same)!
1. What SEO actually is (not in a way that feels like hieroglyphics) and why you need it to increase your Google search rankings
2. Why blogging as a marketing strategy is not dead and the danger of building your entire business on Instagram and Facebook
3. My simple process for creating juicy content on your website that reaches page 1 of Google and makes your readers binge for hours
4. SEO essentials every blog post must have to skyrocket to page 1...hint: most business owners skip over these
5. Why no one is signing up for your free or paid offers even if your website traffic has increased
I can’t wait to share this information with you!
“This was amazing. It was truly the best free webinar I’ve ever experienced. I had to pause it a lot to take notes.”
Track your targeted keywords and blog post content with this easy-to-edit Google Sheet.
After almost a decade of SEO experience (including 3 years at agencies), I’ve seen first hand what goes into SEO campaigns for both billion dollar global brands and small business owners.
The truth is that most service based biz owners are doing SEO wrong. That’s why I’m here.
Using the same strategies I walk through in this workshop, I've ranked my website on page 1 of Google for hundreds of keywords, attract consultation signups from Google every month, and sign more clients with ease. Now I want to show you how to do the same. My mission is to help coaches, creatives and service based entrepreneurs increase their visibility on Google and reach more people that need their work.
hey there!